Comments on: How Your Baby’s Spit Up and Acid Reflux Affects Sleep Get rid of frustrating baby sleep problems and heartbreaking tears with our baby sleep guides and sleep consultations that let you get the rest you need! Tue, 23 Nov 2021 17:47:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amber Sun, 29 Dec 2019 12:01:50 +0000 In reply to Molly.

Get well soon. Don’t panic, I believe you’il get over it if you’re interested. Maybe it’s not reflux?

I suggest you read the following site that has a useful article on this topic.

By: Neosha Sun, 14 Apr 2019 19:12:17 +0000 In reply to Molly.

@Molly – Thank you for reading and sharing with us. Spitting up and reflux in babies can be quite terrifying, we know. Reflux often rears its head at meal times and when your baby is lying down causing those muscles in his throat and digestive system to relax. If you suspect your little guy has reflux and it’s interfering with his feeding and sleep, you should consider reaching out to his healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment. Both of you hang in there, Molly!

By: Molly Sun, 07 Apr 2019 23:05:12 +0000 In reply to Debbye.

My boy is 4 months old

By: Molly Sun, 07 Apr 2019 23:04:04 +0000 I’m so scared my boy has reflux and he is so unsettled all the time when feeding he will choke/cough his milk up and he also arches his back all the time. Night time is the worst I finally get him to sleep then he will cough then choke and cry and pukes up clear yellowish fluid . I quickly hear him and jump up and grab him but I’m scared hes going to do it and choke and stop breathing on his own sick. Please help.

By: Debbye Mon, 14 Nov 2011 23:24:17 +0000 @ Marilyn- Thank yo so much for sharing your story! It is unfortunate that caring for our babies should lead to any guilt or confusion, and I am so happy that you guys are on the right track now! I hope things continue to improve!!!

@ Darcy- Thank you for writing! You can feed smaller more frequent meals and avoiding citrus fruits is a good plan, as they are hard for young babies to handle. Follow your Doctor’s recommendations and follow up if you have any concerns. You may be able to find some more helpful information here:
Good luck!

By: Darcy Sun, 13 Nov 2011 20:28:04 +0000 Thanks for the article! My baby shows signs of acid reflux but when I went to my doctor he told that it would go away soon. Can I support this by avoiding some kinds of food like citrus fruits?

By: Marilyn Mon, 07 Nov 2011 21:54:19 +0000 *Sigh* Thanks SO much for this article. I was starting to feel pressure to get my daughter on a schedule and sleep through the night, etc. but she hasn’t been able to yet. We also had a very rough start. She was 2 months old when it started to get bad. It took a while to diagnose her (silent reflux :() and now, at six months, she’s on meds (and I’m dairy and peanut free) and we’ve had a couple weeks of her doing much better.

My pediatrician scolded me for not having her on a eat play sleep schedule and said it should get her sleeping through the night. But whenever she tried to have “full” feedings and have that routine her reflux would get worse. Now she refuses to eat a lot at one time. She knows it makes her feel bad! Your article helped confirmed the things I was feeling and seeing in what worked for her and helped take the Dr. guilt trip off my shoulders. It’s so nice to know that I’m not alone in this because dealing with reflux in an infant can be so confusing and exhausting.

P.S. Thanks to all who make this website possible. I found it when my first was a few months old. He was the perfectly on schedule one (eat play sleep) 😉 thanks to your help. 🙂 He’s now almost 3 and still a great sleeper!

By: Debbye Wed, 02 Nov 2011 23:40:33 +0000 @ Jen B- Thank you for sharing. We are so happy that you find the articles and information helpful! And are so happy that your little one is doing so much better now! 🙂

@ Christine- I am so glad that you did find out about your baby’s reflux when you did, and it is sometimes a long road to get reflux babies to better sleep. One day at a time is all you can do, and stick with it! Keep up the heard work. 🙂

@ Jill- Thank yo so much for sharing your story! I hope your little red head is enjoying her new little brother, and CONGRATS! You will definitely be more prepared this time around should your son have any of the same issues, but more than likely he will surprise you with his own set of rules! 🙂

@ Sarah- Thank you for sharing your story, and i am sorry you had suck a battle getting help for your son. You are absolutely right, in that we should fight for what we know and trust our instincts! I hope your son continues to grow and thrive! 🙂

@ Stephanie- Thank you for your words of wisdom! I have been there too with my son, and agree! Best wishes! 🙂

@ Maree- Thank you for sharing your story, and for bringing it to light that though many do outgrow their reflux earlier, it is not always outgrown in the first year. I hope your daughter is doing well, but she certainly will be outgrowing her meds in her own time! Kudos to your Doctors too, for being so supportive. Best wishes to you and your family!

By: Maree Fri, 21 Oct 2011 19:56:50 +0000 We had a miserable 3 months until our daughter was diagnosed with reflux. But what a difference once the meds kicked in. I still fed her through the night until eight months because i felt she needed the extra nutrition and the night feed was always the best feed – she would take both sides whereas during the day she would only feed from one breast at each feed. But be warned it doesn’t always correct itself by 12-18months – my daughter is now two and still on meds. We have tried twice to slowly reduce the dose (one granule out each fortnight) but each time we reach a stage where she starts waking during the night, one time at first and then as the medication is decreased further it increases to two or three wakings and then finally the waking and coughing kicks in – that is the time the meds are upped again until she is sleeping through. Getting her night sleep is most important as it makes all our lives easier, since she has never been able to sleep much during the day. Our Doctor has been fantastic and always supportive. If your doctor doesn’t listen find another who will – a screaming baby every night when they are laid down is not normal.

By: Stephanie Fri, 21 Oct 2011 00:02:01 +0000 To moms going through it right now..

I would recommend not worrying about sleep schedules and sleeping in own crib and rigid rules/methods you had given yourself prior to having the baby… this is about SURVIVAL! =)

I never wanted to co-sleep with my babies because I couldn’t sleep well with those little ones so close to me, and didn’t want the hassle of training them later on to sleep in their own bed.

In the early months, DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO GET SLEEP! My poor Liam had such a hard time with his reflux, being near me brought him comfort and would allow him to get some sleep and in return, I was so exhausted, that I would get to sleep too, never mind all my fears about co-sleeping.

Most of the time, however, I was intent on having him sleep in his bassinet next to my bed… and we both would be miserable. Looking back, I should have let him sleep with me as much as he (and I) needed to.

While he was sick, I had to help him to sleep ANYHOW, and once he got better, had to train him to learn to fall asleep on his own so I had to go through the sleep-training I was trying to avoid in the first place!

Just GET SOME SLEEP, and what ever sleep association is created… it can be fixed later on when the baby is 4mo or 6mo and happy. And it isn’t too hard, and doesn’t take too long.

Plus, you have Nicole’s support and all the other moms on this site!

